The start of the 2nd Mazaarat International Photo Festival - Maazarat means extending the identity of nations
The start of the 2nd Mazaarat International Photo Festival - Maazarat means extending the identity of nations
Astan Quds Razavi Institute of Artistic Creations announced the call for the second edition of the "Maazarat" International Photo Festival in 2023.
According to Astan News, the CEO of Astan Institute of Art Creations, Qods Razavi, stated in the press conference of this festival edition, which was held this Monday afternoon at Razvan Gallery in Mashhad, that this institute, considering the history of holding various art festivals, including the "Khane Dost" photo festival, In 2023, he organized the International Mazarat Photo Festival with the cooperation of Astan Quds Razavi, Vice President of International Affairs, and this year we are witnessing its second edition.
Amir Mahdi Hakimi continued regarding the key role of tombs in the world: Islamic tombs, such as the tombs of religious leaders and scholars, intellectuals, and elders of religions, have always caused transformations in various places in the Islamic world and have been the origin of civilization in many places. Also, tombs have been the cause of extending the identity of nations.
The secretary of this festival added: Also, what can be seen in the architecture and artistic motifs throughout the Islamic world was formed in the tombs and it can be considered a part of the cultural or identity domain of the Islamic world, for example, the rare architectural and artistic treasure in the holy shrine of Razavi centered on The court of Hazrat Reza (AS) has been formed. Tombs are also central for the formation of a prayer relationship between the creator and the creature.
The CEO of Astan Institute of Artistic Creations, Quds Razavi, emphasizing the mission of the art of photography in recording many of these artistic beauties, said: This period of the festival will be held on the topics of "mausoleums, Islamic mausolea" and "prayer in divine religions".
He added: The policymaking council of the second Mazaarat festival took into account the close connection between Mashhad and the blessed existence of Hazrat Reza (a.s.) and the conversations he had with scholars of different religions. Prayer turned this period into prayer in heavenly religions.
Hakimi pointed out that we will use the internal power of the Astan Quds Razavi collection to communicate and inform about the second edition of Mazarat Festival and to attract the maximum number of photographers, and said: We hope to witness the significant growth of different photographers and diverse works like the first edition to the judging stage of this edition of the festival as well. reach We also hope to open a new path for photographers and make them look at the tombs differently.
The importance of holding a festival in the international field
In addition, the deputy of international affairs of Astan Quds Razavi, emphasizing the holding of various national, regional and international festivals by this holy threshold, said: the international festival of photographs of tombs can open a new way and a new horizon for the aspirants and be a light for civilization views.
Hojjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin, jurist Esfandiari, stating that the world, man and everything that belongs to man, is a beautiful example of art and its levels, he said: the whole truth of man is his perceptions, and the peak of art in human perceptions is intellectual perceptions.
He stated: Also, we look at art with a sacred eye, because the world with what it has in itself is the act of the Holy Prophet and it is a channel of divine art.
Referring to the importance of the first step on which the next steps are based, Astan Quds Razavi, the vice president of international affairs, said: "The first Mazarat photo festival was successful, but we should not be satisfied with this degree." Our view in the international field is a civilizational view.
He added: Undoubtedly, our vision for this festival is global, because Hazrat Reza (a.s.) was an international personality according to the manifestations in his life. Therefore, we go to the tombs below the holy shrine of Razavi and we do not stop at Islamic tombs in the area of tombs.
Referring to the selected photos of the first period of the festival and addressing the subject of prayer along with the topic of tombs, Esfandiari said: Through the lens of looking at the images of tombs, with esoteric and spiritual matters, which is a blessed window for the realization of civilizational views in the second step of the Islamic Revolution, we are trying to Open the heart to divine truth. This step will help our unifying view inside and outside.
The member of the policy making council of this festival stated: Astan Quds Razavi is trying to provide the grounds for globalizing the name of Hazrat Reza (AS) in the field of his international duties. Undoubtedly, holding such a festival can help us achieve this goal.
Ability to send 7 works in each section
Also, the Executive Secretary of the International Tombs Photo Festival, referring to the history of the first period of this festival, such as receiving 8 thousand and 127 works from inside and outside the country, said: photographers in this new period in each section "mausoleums, Islamic mausolea" and "prayer in divine religions" , it is possible to send 7 photos and in total two sections have the possibility to send 14 photos to the secretariat of the festival, the number of which has increased compared to the first period.
Amin Ebrahimi continued: Each section of the festival will have three winners in the first to third places. Also, the festival secretary's special award will be given to one of the participants.
Referring to the activity of the website of the second Mazaarat International Photo Festival in Persian and English at the address photo.mazaar.net, he added: Interested photographers can register and send their works to the secretariat of this festival from May 6, 2023 through the website. and they have until June 16 to send their works.
Ebrahimi named Raha Beiler from Turkey, Mohammad Sattari, Seyed Abbas Mirhashmi, Ebrahim Bahrami and Mehdi Moghimnejad as members of the jury of the second Mazaarat Festival and noted: We hope to be able to judge the works of the festival between June 18 and June 20 of this year in Mashhad. and its closing is on July.
It should be noted that the displaying of the poster and website of the second edition of the International Mazaarat Photo Festival and the opening of the exhibition of the works of the first edition of this international festival at Razvan Gallery were among the other programs of this press conference with the presence of media members.